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  第一次旅遊至歐洲,對充滿綠波蕩漾的水都「威尼斯」情有獨鍾,水波朦朧間的波光掠影,坐在「干都拉」(Gondola)的船上,傾聽搖船夫的浪漫深情歌唱,令人如痴如醉,再抬頭望著那精雕細琢的藝術建築,那座橫跨宮殿河(Rio DiPalazzo)的小橋,見證古今多少戀人在此聚散,拜倫啊!你為何聲聲嘆息呢?


  相傳日落時分,戀人們如果在嘆息橋下的干多拉船上親吻彼此,就能得到永恆不墜的愛情。因此19世紀英國詩人拜倫將它取名為「嘆息橋」Ponte dei Sospiri。



Ponte dei Sospiri

First time traveling to Europe, I especially love Venice. Sitting in the gondola in the canal, listening to the romantic singing of the boatmen, and seeing the bridge across Rio Dipalazzo. These are witness to the rendezvous of many lovers of the old and of today at this place. Poet Byron called this bridge “Ponte dei Sospiri.”



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