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田園交響曲 / Pastoral Symphony: 1992 (27" x 17.5") 69cmx43cm 膠彩、絹

夏日午後,黃澄澄的稻穗在豔陽高照下,顯得金光閃閃,一片片飽滿的金黃色稻穗迎風搖曳,還帶著水氣,蒸氣氤氳,裊裊而上。農人眼看辛勞播種的種子,已經開花結果 ,連忙於日落前將飽滿的稻穗一束一束,用鐮刀割下、紮起,再扛起竹簍搬運這一季的豐收,農婦們跟隨於後,戴著半掩面容的斗笠,不畏烈日當空、暑氣逼人,臉不紅氣不喘地穿梭其間。他們的汗水代替了雨,滴進深褐色的土壤中,不知疲倦地辛勤勞動著。



Pastoral Symphony

A summer afternoon, the ripe, golden rice is lightly waving in the field. The farmers are busily cutting them down with a sickle, binding them in bundles, and carrying them in large bamboo baskets. So they are transporting the abundant harvest of the season. Their wives, wearing conical bamboo hats, are shuttling between them under the burning sun. They are perspiring yet tirelessly assisting in their hard labor.

There is also a flock of white ducks in the field. They are chasing each other, playing, and feeding themselves. They are quacking loudly as if singing a harvest song. Let us listen to Beethoven’s “Pastoral Symphony” to celebrate their successful harvest!




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