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唯我獨尊/ I Am the Best :2013 (96” x 48”) 235cmx114cm 膠彩 壯紙 「蘋果」面對「微軟」、「Google」、「亞馬遜」和「三星」四強追趕之際,還能持續不斷地創新,即使面對強大潮流也不斷改變而推陳出新。每當一有新產品亮相,超強的吸引力馬上讓五湖四海的人民慕名而來,爭先恐後地,甚至打著地舖、徹夜通宵地排隊搶購。展現的獨一無二的姿態,傲視全球的眼神:「唯我獨尊」!韓國I Am the BestThe apple-shaped picture on the painting symbolize the giant computer company, Apple. While confronting the competition with her four powerful wave, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Samsung, Apple is creative and continues to produce newer and better products. Whenever a new product comes out, people line up before her stores, some staying overnight, to buy her products. Apple acts as if it is a big fish gulping up all small fish and seems to say, “I am the best!” 作者為膠彩畫家,傳承父親郭雪湖的膠彩畫藝術 ●更多分享在「郭香美的膠彩畫世界」臉書,經授權刊載。 ●專欄文章,不代表i-Media 愛傳媒立場。


牆裡牆外/ Confined Living : 2013 (96" x 48”) 235cmx114cm 膠彩 丶紙 已婚的人渴望未婚的自由,未婚的人則羨慕已婚的安定。就像牆內的人對牆外充滿想像,牆外的人對牆內深感好奇。婚前的甜蜜浪漫,以及婚後為了柴、油、米、醬、醋、茶以及兒女的教育,還要面對職場上來的壓力……諸多現實的問題與考驗,猶如牆裡與牆外的生活對照。 婚前的戀愛不能代表婚後的生活,牆內的日子不是一門先修課程,生活上的種種與現實是婚姻共修的課題。現今社會充滿男歡女愛的誘惑,稍有不慎就有可能沉淪在茫茫大海中,載浮載沉。就像李白的詩:「花非花,霧非霧。夜半來,天明去。來如春夢不多時,去似朝雲無覓處。」夫妻結婚多年後,深厚感情已漸被柴米油鹽消弭,平淡的生活,面對外在的新鮮、剌激與誘惑,很容易被「出軌」的巨浪捲走、吞噬。韓國Confined LivingMarried people are like fish living in a bowl; the unmarried ones are like the fish in the sea. The ones living inside of the wall long for the freedom of those who are living outside of the wall. The ones living outside of the wall envy the stability of those who are living inside of the wall. The romance before marriage and daily needs, children’s education and work pressure after marriage become the contrast of the practical life between the inside and outside walls. 作者為膠彩畫家,傳承父親郭雪湖的膠彩畫藝術 ●更多分享在「郭香美的膠彩畫世界」臉書,經授權刊載。 ●專欄文章,不代表i-Media 愛傳媒立場。